Is it irrational to trust your gut?

Being rational is to act based on logic, while trusting your gut is to act based on intuition, no matter if it is logical or not. In other words, trusting your gut is what most people would call being irrational. But, if you have heard about this study from Iowa...

The reason is more important than the feature

Your ability to solve the problem is always more important than any feature you are adding to the solution. This is true no matter how you are solving the problem, and it is true whatever problem it is. You probably had a reason for developing whatever product or...

We are all rational. We are all irrational.

It’s very easy to see yourself as a rational person. You have a bunch of information and experience, and based on that data, you make decisions. You are the only person who knows precisely what you know, and therefore you are the only one making decisions based...

Prepare, Or Prepare To Fail

Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong. So you should make sure to solve any upcoming problems before they even do come up! Or should you? The problem with that strategy is that it is incredibly hard and expensive to first find all the potential problems and much more...

Why you need 2 computers

Almost 100% of my work is done through a computer—communication, writing, programming, management, etc. However, I try to separate my everyday work and other parts of my life. During the day I mostly work on my consulting business, and when I go home I try to do some...